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Social Media Optimization

About Us

Social Media, as the name suggests is the set of methodologies for generating word of mouth publicity utilizing the e-power of social networks including online communities and community websites.

Today the problem faced by most entrepreneurs working on the web is- How do we spread our word without wasting numerous man-hours? Spreading a word about your website and doing it in a personalized manner is something only the owner or his core team can do. But if the core team does that then when do they work on their product?

Well, here is where Alpha Global comes into picture.

We at Alpha Global take up assignments for such publicity by closely studying your concept, analyzing and understanding the market trends, choosing the most effective methods of spreading the word, discussing it with the client and then launching a full-fledged, time-bound campaign that guarantees a difference in the traffic of your website/blog.

The whole idea of Social Media Optimization is emerging quite rapidly, spreading its wings across all the possible industry domains. Please always remember that SMO is not a replacement for SEO.

Sometime people confuse it with search engine optimization, which is different method and require different efforts. We emphasize on effective social network marketing strategies by taking undue care of the Quality & Richness of the content, On-Page Optimization, altogether utilizing a set of proven activities ensuring the improvement in volume and quality of the traffic to the websites.